
There are many areas that we would love you to get involved in within the life of the church.

Of course, everyone is different.  You may want to throw yourself in at the deep end and get involved in everything immediately, or you may prefer to settle in first and then volunteer where possible.  Whatever is better for you is fine.  

The best way to get to know people in the Church better is via small groups.  These are a chance to study the Bible and pray together and are the best way to settle in and get to know a few people really well.  We have occasional lunches after church and social events a few times a year which are a really good way to get to know the wider church.  And about once a year we head off to Sizewell Hall as a church family - all welcome whether you've just arrived or been here a hundred years.

And of course there are the myriad roles of Sundays: arranging flowers, setting up in the Church, joining the AV team, helping during the week serving tea or providing conversation practice from Ukrainian or other visitors, helping with music and worship, volunteering with the children and young people*, just as a few examples.  Please talk to anyone within the church about where your gifts would be best used.

We hope that you will soon feel very at home at St A's!


*Most of these roles are open to anyone but official processes including an interview and DBS check will be carried out for anyone volunteering with young people and children aged under 18.

Planning your Visit